Molero Jurado, María del Mar & Herrera Peco, Ivan & Pérez Fuentes, María del Carmen & Oropesa Ruiz, Nieves Fátima & Martos Martínez, África & Ayuso Murillo, Diego & Gázquez Linares, Jose Jesús .Communication and humanization of care: Effects over burnout on nurses.
ISO 690
Molero Jurado, María del Mar & Herrera Peco, Ivan & Pérez Fuentes, María del Carmen & Oropesa Ruiz, Nieves Fátima & Martos Martínez, África & Ayuso Murillo, Diego & Gázquez Linares, Jose Jesús. Communication and humanization of care: Effects over burnout on nurses.
Healthcare professionals may have certain psychological characteristics which contribute to
increasing the quality of their professional performance.
Study the effect that humanization of care and communication have on the burnout syndrome
in nursing personal.
The sample included a total of 330 Spanish nurses. Analytical instruments used were the
Health Professional¿s Humanization Scale (HUMAS), Communication Styles Inventory
Revised (CSI-R) and Brief Burnout Questionnaire Revised (CBB-R).
Two broad nursing profiles could be differentiated by their level of humanization (those with
scores over the mean and those with scores below it in optimistic disposition, openness to
sociability, emotional understanding, self-efficacy, and affection), where the largest group
had the high scores. A communication repertoire based on verbal aggressiveness impacted
indirectly on the effect of humanization on burnout, mainly in the personal impact component.
We observed the relation of humanization profiles in nursing staff with the job dissatisfaction
and burnout components. Besides that, some communication styles, verbal
aggressiveness and questioningness, have an indirect effect on the relationship between
humanization profiles and job dissatisfaction.
The results on the relationship between communication styles and burnout, and the mediator
effect of communication styles on the relationship between humanization of care and
burnout in nursing personnel are discussed.