de la Cruz Jiménez, Silvia & Martínez Alcaraz, Paloma & Flores Fraile, Javier & Agustín Panadero, Rubén & Lobo Galindo, Ana Belén & Carbonell López, Concepción & Zubizarreta Macho, Álvaro (2025-02 ) .Evaluating the Impact of Pontic Geometry on Load to Failure and Displacement in Implant-Supported Monolithic Zirconia Prostheses: An In Vitro Analysis.
ISO 690
de la Cruz Jiménez, Silvia & Martínez Alcaraz, Paloma & Flores Fraile, Javier & Agustín Panadero, Rubén & Lobo Galindo, Ana Belén & Carbonell López, Concepción & Zubizarreta Macho, Álvaro. 2025-02 .Evaluating the Impact of Pontic Geometry on Load to Failure and Displacement in Implant-Supported Monolithic Zirconia Prostheses: An In Vitro Analysis.
The pontic design may influence the load-to-failure performance of fixed implant supported screw-retained monolithic zirconia prostheses. This study aimed to evaluate the
effect of pontic geometry on the fracture resistance of such restorations. Forty restorations
were designed using dental CAD software and divided into four groups (n = 10 each):
(A) Flat + Wide¿pontics with a flat contour, 10 mm in width and 8 mm in height;
(B) Concave + Wide¿pontics with a concave contour, 10 mm in width and 5.5 mm in
height; (C) Flat + Narrow¿pontics with a flat contour, 6 mm in width and 8 mm in
height; and (D) Concave + Narrow¿pontics with a concave contour, 6 mm in width and
5.5 mm in height. All specimens underwent thermal and mechanical cycling, followed by
a fracture load test using a three-point bending setup. Maximum fracture loads and dis placements were analyzed using one-way ANOVA. Statistically significant differences were
observed among the groups for both load to failure (p = 0.001) and displacement (p = 0.002).
These findings indicate that pontic geometry significantly influences the fracture resistance
and deformation behavior of monolithic zirconia prostheses.
Keywords: implant-supported protheses; pontic; fracture resistance; displacement;
monolithic zirconia; bending test