Archivio dell'Università Alfonso X El Sabio

Vascular Immunotargeting to Endothelial Surface in a Specific Macrodomain in Alveolar Capillaries

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Murciano, Juan Carlos & HARSHAW, D. WIN & GHITESCU, LUCIAN & DANILOV, SERGEI M. & MUZYKANTOV, VLADIMIR R. (2001 ) .Vascular Immunotargeting to Endothelial Surface in a Specific Macrodomain in Alveolar Capillaries.

ISO 690

Murciano, Juan Carlos & HARSHAW, D. WIN & GHITESCU, LUCIAN & DANILOV, SERGEI M. & MUZYKANTOV, VLADIMIR R.. 2001 .Vascular Immunotargeting to Endothelial Surface in a Specific Macrodomain in Alveolar Capillaries. Murciano, Juan Carlos HARSHAW, D. WIN GHITESCU, LUCIAN DANILOV, SERGEI M. MUZYKANTOV, VLADIMIR R. 2024-02-12T10:01:40Z 2024-02-12T10:01:40Z 2001 2001
dc.description.abstract A novel 85 kD glycoprotein (gp85) is a marker of the avesicular zone, a thin part of pulmonary endothelial cells separating alveo lar and vascular compartments and lacking vesicles. This report presents the first evaluation whether mAb 30B3, a monoclonal an tibody to gp85, can be used for targeting of drugs to the surface of lung endothelium. 125I-mAb 30B3 accumulated in isolated per fused lungs (IPL) (22.8 1.1 versus 0.5 0.1 %ID/g for 125I-IgG) and accumulated preferentially in the lungs after intravenous or intraarterial injection (10.9 0.7 and 11.0 1.5 versus 0.9 0.2 %ID/g for 125I-IgG). 125I-mAb 30B3 uptake in IPL was rapid (T1/2 15 min), saturable (Bmax appr. 105 molecules/cell), specific (inhib ited by nonlabeled mAb 30B3) and temperature independent (26.3 2.1 versus 22.8 1.1 %ID/g at 6 C versus 37 C). Biotiny lated mAb 30B3 permitted subsequent accumulation of perfused avidin derivative in IPL. Because these data indicated that mAb 30B3 binds to an accessible, poorly internalizable antigen in the lung, we conjugated mAb 30B3 with a plasminogen activator, 125I-tPA. After intravenous injection in rats, lung-to-blood ratio was 8.4 0.9 for mAb 30B3/125I-tPA versus 0.4 0.1 for IgG/125I-tPA, indicating that mAb 30B3 may deliver drugs, which was supposed to exert therapeutic action in the vascular lumen (e.g., antithrom botic proteins), to the surface of pulmonary endothelium. Keywords: endothelium; tPA; endocytosis; fibrinolysis; rats; drug de livery; lung es_ES
dc.format application/pdf es_ES
dc.language eng es_ES
dc.rights CC-BY es_ES
dc.rights.uri es_ES
dc.title Vascular Immunotargeting to Endothelial Surface in a Specific Macrodomain in Alveolar Capillaries es_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es_ES
dc.rights.accessrights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es_ES
dc.identifier.location N/A es_ES

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