Archivio dell'Università Alfonso X El Sabio

Antivaccine Movement and COVID-19 Negationism: A Content Analysis of Spanish-Written Messages on Twitter

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Herrera Peco, Ivan & Jiménez Gómez, Beatriz & Romero Magdalena, Carlos Santiago & Peña Deudero, Juan José & García Puente, María & Benitez de Gracia, Elvira & Ruiz Núñez, Carlos .Antivaccine Movement and COVID-19 Negationism: A Content Analysis of Spanish-Written Messages on Twitter.

ISO 690

Herrera Peco, Ivan & Jiménez Gómez, Beatriz & Romero Magdalena, Carlos Santiago & Peña Deudero, Juan José & García Puente, María & Benitez de Gracia, Elvira & Ruiz Núñez, Carlos. Antivaccine Movement and COVID-19 Negationism: A Content Analysis of Spanish-Written Messages on Twitter. Herrera Peco, Ivan Jiménez Gómez, Beatriz Romero Magdalena, Carlos Santiago Peña Deudero, Juan José García Puente, María Benitez de Gracia, Elvira Ruiz Núñez, Carlos 2021-07-01T16:33:29Z 2021-07-01T16:33:29Z 2021-06-15
dc.description.abstract During the COVID-19 pandemic, different conspiracies have risen, with the most dangerous being those focusing on vaccines. Today, there exists a social media movement focused on destroying the credibility of vaccines and trying to convince people to ignore the advice of governments and health organizations on vaccination. Our aim was to analyze a COVID-19 antivaccination message campaign on Twitter that uses Spanish as the main language, to find the key elements in their communication strategy. Twitter data were retrieved from 14 to 28 December using NodeXL software. We analyzed tweets in Spanish, focusing on influential users, most influential tweets, and content analysis of tweets. The results revealed ordinary citizens who ¿offer the truth¿ as the most important profile in this network. The content analysis showed antivaccine tweets (31.05%) as the most frequent. The analysis of anti-COVID19 tweets showed that attacks against vaccine safety were the most important (79.87%) but we detected a new kind of message presenting the vaccine as a means of manipulating the human genetic code (8.1%). We concluded that the antivaccine movement and its tenets have great influence in the COVID-19 negationist movement. We observed a new topic in COVID-19 vaccine hoaxes that must be considered in our fight against misinformation. Keywords: COVID-19; fake news; misinformation; public health; Twitter; vaccines es_ES
dc.format application/pdf es_ES
dc.language hun es_ES
dc.rights CC-BY es_ES
dc.rights.uri es_ES
dc.title Antivaccine Movement and COVID-19 Negationism: A Content Analysis of Spanish-Written Messages on Twitter es_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es_ES
dc.rights.accessrights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es_ES
dc.identifier.location N/A es_ES

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