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Vázquez, Rubén & Gabriel y Galán, José María & Alfaya, Pedro & Vicent, María & Prada, Carmen .Revision of Cran illia opaca in New Caledonia.

ISO 690

Vázquez, Rubén & Gabriel y Galán, José María & Alfaya, Pedro & Vicent, María & Prada, Carmen. Revision of Cran illia opaca in New Caledonia. Vázquez, Rubén Gabriel y Galán, José María Alfaya, Pedro Vicent, María Prada, Carmen 2021-06-22T16:06:45Z 2021-06-22T16:06:45Z 2021
dc.description.abstract Cranfillia opaca is a fern species present in New Caledonia, for which a great variation in morphology is reported. Some other species such as Blechnum deplanchei have been proposed, but those were later synonymized with C. opaca. In this work, we have studied this taxon at both the morphological and the anatomical level, as well as its ecology and geographical distribution. We found differences between C. opaca s.s. and B. deplanchei in the morphology of the sterile and fertile fronds, in several morphoanatomical features such as trichome shape, length, and distribution, and length and/or shape of different structures of sporangia and spores. The distribution of both taxa was also different, but they are sympatric at some localities. The differences identified in this study support the recognition of both taxa, and the combination of Cranfillia deplanchei (Baker) Vázquez Ferreira & Gabriel y Galán, which we propose here. A new taxonomic description is provided for both species. © 2021 Universidad Complutense de Madrid. All rights reserved. Author keywords Anatomy; Blechnaceae; Cranfillia; New Caledonia; New combination; Taxonomy es_ES
dc.format application/pdf es_ES
dc.language eng es_ES
dc.rights CC-BY es_ES
dc.rights.uri es_ES
dc.title Revision of Cran illia opaca in New Caledonia es_ES
dc.type info:eu-repo/semantics/article es_ES
dc.description.curso 2020-2021 es_ES
dc.rights.accessrights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess es_ES
dc.identifier.location N/A es_ES

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